Tuesday, April 8, 2008


There is not much happening here today. I plan to finish up the last load of laundry this morning, and hopefully get in to see my doctor. I have a few piano students this afternoon. This evening we are going to our friends sugar shack to watch them make maple syrup. The kids will enjoy that. Other than that - na-da!

Htabby, I know you are going to ask how the running went last night so I will have to fess up. I didn't go. I have been feeling quite strangely lately, and I just didn't feel well enough to go running. It's a bummer, but hopefully the doc can clear things up for me and I will be running before you know it! :)

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol - you caught me! :)

Heh, you just get better first and start when you are ready to. You don't need to start running when you are icky because then it won't be enjoyable. :)

Feel better soon!